Art director’s interview: the inspirations of the Night Collection
Dallagnese art director’s interview to discover a furniture collection for the night area full of elegance and quality, with original details and tailor-made taste between woods, leather, hard leather and rich fabrics.

Matteo Zorzenoni, Dallagnese’s art director
Which was the starting point for the creation of the Night collection?
Since the beginning of my cooperation with Dallagnese Company, as the art director, we decided to make the brand more identifiable. The Night collection catalogue falls into place in such a specific journey. Its ambition is to enrich the refinement of shapes and finishes, as well as to select among the design proposals, those characterized by lines that stand out with character, but still in the sobriety of an elegant style. A fine line to be run to avoid banality.
You are one of the designers of this collection, but also the art director at the same time…
Yes, and as the art director, I must keep focused on overall view of Dallagnese project. This Night Collection, for example, has completely transformed the Company’s night area. The 80% of the proposals are brand new ones, the others are restylings of previous models. A relavant design to boost a new direction among the designer’s several vocations to be enhanced, without absorbing the specific style of the brand.

The overall view is influenced by the market. How?
The art director should know the market’s requirements, therefore he has to commit to a deep analysis of the significant trends, without forgetting the reference target, that is being aware of what to exclude. Such aspects are tempered by the Area Managers’ requests, often quite different according to the Country, and by the company’s economic goals. The aim is to bring out a mix of products that can balance so many aspects which are often not aligned. With the Night Collection we’ve gathered a range of furnishings that is appropriate to our target of customers looking for quality in a contemporary , bourgeois style, within which there are several facets of taste. For this reason we’ve invited new designers.
How did the choice of new designers for the Night Collection take place?
We’ve chosen people who stand out and we believe that will grow much more. We wanted different but harmonius styles and we found them in Studio Zaven, with its talent for soft shapes, that generates refined padded elements, in Andrea Steidl, co-founder of / àr o / design studio, with his inclination for absolute and pure shapes, and in Federico Peri and his elegantly bourgeois style.
Among the new designers are Studio Zaven, with its talent for soft shapes, that generates refined padded elements, Andrea Steidl, co-founder of / àr o / design studio, with his inclination for absolute and pure shapes, and Federico Peri and his elegantly bourgeois style.
Can we talk about trends for 2022 beds?
Generally speaking, beds are made to last. I believe that they’re less susceptible to trends rather than other pieces of furniture. However, as a matter of fact, a certain taste for enveloping shapes has become popular. Within the proposals of the market segment where Dallagnese positions itself, there is always more space not only for wood, but also for polished materials such as hard-leather and leather, and rich materials, featuring interlaced patterns, chosen by Dallagnese too, and enhanced by original details, with the company’s attention to seams and double stitchings, inspired by a special craftsmanship.
Night collection is made also of bedroom sets.
Yes, there are bedroom sets such as night stands, tall chests, dressers, but also writing desks, toilette tables and occasional furniture as armchairs, poufs, benches, chairs and lounge armchairs. We can completely accesorize the contemporary night area.
In such case we undertook a technical process to optimise the company production with matchings that can work on different elements, to offer new solutions recognizable by a stylistic point of view, and new systems that can balance desires and prices with modular elements to be selected and combined together. In this way, different compositions can be always created to enable the individual arrangement of bedrooms and allow complete freedom within the interior design project.
Which is your definition of the Night Collection?
In the eyes of the final customer, it will be certainly an elegant collection, characterized by beds with a clear identity that, despite the diversity, will be bonded by the common denominator of Dallagnese elegance.
For the retailers it will be particularly intelligent in terms of the types of products suggested – refined padded beds, sophisticated wooden beds only, or beds matching different materials, featuring a well balanced range of materials, finishes and costs gap.
For the Company, from a practical point of view, the selected materials cover almost the entire range of products and we’ve found new ways to optimise the manufacture; from a general point of view, it’s a real turning-point because we plucked up the courage to focus only on a design able to contribute to Dallagnese identity, leaving aside the unnecessary.