In 2021, choosing to respect the environment is not really a choice; rather, it is a necessary condition for operating today and thinking we can continue to do so tomorrow.

Protection toward the environment
We are living in years when the 193 member countries of the UN are striving to achieve the goals signed in 2015 with the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and among them a very important role is played by businesses themselves.
Dallagnese fully espouses this approach of protection toward the environment and has already adopted practices at the production level for quite some time, demonstrating how this attention has not only been added to the company’s vision, but also integrated into daily operations.
In furniture manufacturing, one of the most relevant certifications is CARB (California Air Resource Board), which is based on the “Airborne Toxic Control Measure” regulation and aims to verify and reduce formaldehyde emissions from wood-based materials used on California soil.
The CARB2 regulations
Over the years, this certification has been taken up as the gold standard by an increasing number of multinational wood-furniture companies, until, in June 2018, the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) decided to extend the regulation to the United States as well, adopting the same formaldehyde emission limits set by CARB2.
As of March 22, 2019, CARB and EPA regulations are considered equivalent and apply to plywood, plywood, MDF, particleboard, and urea resin veneered panels. Dallagnese has decided to comply with the standards of this regulation, choosing to rely only on partners who can guarantee the supply of formaldehyde-free materials.

FSCĀ® certified panels
Dealing directly with a material as valuable to the planet as wood, it is necessary to ensure that it comes from forests that are managed properly and responsibly. In line with this philosophy, the panels used by Dallagnese in the production process are certified by the Forest Stewardship CouncilĀ® according to strict environmental, social and economic standards.
Non-toxic paints
Another front on which the company has been working for many years is the progressive avoidance of solvents in painting. In fact, Dallagnese opted for water-based paints for all matte lacquers, which have very low solvent residue and instead contain plant-derived resins. Indeed, the choice of these paints makes it possible to drastically reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and thus release almost exclusively water vapor, which is completely odorless and has a very low environmental impact.
The benefits apply to several spheres: first and foremost in the work environment, which thus becomes healthier, but also in the home environment where the products are installed, since traditional paints can continue to release substances long after they have finished drying.
These are not the only sustainability projects that Dallagnese is pursuing. We will update you on new developments in the coming weeks – stay tuned!